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Ros na Rún - search results

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Could a documentary expose a killer Ros na Rún?

Caitríona fears for her life after getting a threatening note, Berni embraces the light at the end of the tunnel, and more B&B madness...

It’s Lights, Camera, Action for Caitríona’s documentary in Ros na Rún

The cameras are rolling for Caitríona's documentary, Briain is shunned on all sides, and Laoise discovers the stress of running a b&b in Ros...

O’Shea has to choose between work and family in Ros na Rún

O'Shea has an impossible choice to make, Caitríona's documentary isn't popular around town, and Berni's friends get through to her on Ros na Rún. Caitríona...

Mack delivers a €10,000 ultimatum on Ros na Rún

Mack pulls no punches getting his money back, Briain is now a complete outcast, and Caitríona might just be jealous of Vince in Ros...

Leaked CCTV puts the pressure on Gardaí in Ros na Rún

The pressure is on O'Shea after Caoilfhionn posts the cctv footage of Sorcha's assault, and Berni fears Briain will get away with it all...

Suspicion, paranoia, and a heist on Ros na Rún

Suspicions abound on all sides and Caoilfhionn plans a heist in the name of justice in Ros na Rún. Caoilfhionn has set herself the task...

Dee’s hopes of reconciliation are dashed on Ros na Rún

Dee's hopes of recapturing the past are dashed, Berni is wracked with guilt when learns who hit Jude, and Colm gets a ray of...

Who is telling the truth to the Gardaí on Ros na Rún?

Briain and Sorcha talk to the Gardaí, Tadhg schemes to get his mattress back, and Caitríona keeps sniffing around Colm's secrets on Ros na...

Colm must confront his grief, and daughter’s grave, in Ros na Rún

Bobbi Lee makes things worse for Berni and Jude, while Colm is forced to confront his grief and daughter's grave on Ros na Rún. Mack...

Evan is determined to prove Briain attacked Berni in Ros na Rún

Mack and Dee are on the outs, Caitríona is ferreting out secrets right and left, and many people try to come to Berni's aid...

Caitríona hunts the truth about Frances death on Ros na Rún

Children in the line of fire in Ros na Rún as custody issues take centre stage, and Caitríona is hunting the truth about Frances...

Briain and Berni brush with the law on Ros na Rún

Briain is left shaken by a chat with the Gardaí after Berni comes forward, Fiach turns the tables on Michelle about being honest, and...

Michelle learns of Fiach’s blackmail and stealing in Ros na Rún

Tadhg lets loose on Colm over Frances death, Michelle finds out about Fiach's lies, and Emma tries to take advantage in Ros na Rún. Tadhg,...

Tadhg stews on Mo killing Frances in Ros na Rún

Colm's joy turns to sorrow with Mo gone, while Tadgh stews on the truth of what she has done, and David is on the...

Murder in the air – Mo’s confession rocks Ros na Rún season finale

After a season of murder, deceit, affairs, and manipulation, it all comes to a ahead in the milestone season 25 finale of Ros na...

Colm lets slip some dangerous information on Ros na Rún

Colm divulges potential dangerous information to Caitríona, Briain is in a twist with Berni, and cupid's arrow hamstrings David on Ros na Rún. Briain thinks...

Caoilfionn spends time in a cell on Ros na Rún

Caoilfhionn has some time to cool her heels in a cell, Mo lashes out after struggling with her grief, and Berni regrets dumping Briain...

Mother and daughter separated by a black eye in Ros na Rún

Mother and daughter on the outs after Caoilfhionn gives O'Shea a black eye, Colm and Mo struggle to grieve, and Vince tries to reconcile...

Lingering heartbreak and desperate plans around children in Ros na Rún

Lingering heartbreak in Ros na Rún as Mo and Colm struggle with their loss, and Fia also contemplates whether to leave behind her son. Mo...

Ros na Rún – A lost child send ripples of pain through Ros na Rún

Mo and Colm deal with the heart-breaking reality of losing their child, Mack falls down the bottle, and Fia adjusts to motherhood on Ros...

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