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sinn féin - search results

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Tributes paid to last surviving son of an executed Easter Rising leader

Tributes have poured in for Father Joseph Mallin who has passed away at his home in Hong Kong. Fr Mallin was the last surviving son of...

Galway Together For Yes to launch in City

Galway Together For Yes will launch on Tuesday, 3rd April in the Harbour Hotel in Galway City. Speakers at the event will include Co-Director of...

Eighth Amendment Referendum to take place on May 25th

The Irish people will go to the polls on May 25th to decide whether to remove the Eighth Amendment from the Constitution. Minister for Health...

MEP slams EU’s 70,000 tonne beef offer to Mercosur

MEP for the Midlands North West, Matt Carthy, says that confirmation he received that the EU has offered a 70,000 tonne beef quota in...

Three Galway TDs vote against holding referendum on Eighth Amendment

The Dáil this afternoon voted 110 to 32 in favour of legislation which allows for a referendum to be held on repealing the Eighth...

PBP – Creeping gentrification is ripping the community out of the city

People Before Profit Galway have said that developers decreasing their provision of residential housing is ripping the sense of community out of the city. This followed...

Fine Gael’s position on European defence: Practical or ‘extremist’?

Fine Gael's four MEPs published a policy document yesterday entitled Defending our common European home, which calls for Ireland to support the emerging European Defence Union. The...

Hard border and the North leaving Customs Union not compatible – MEP

Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy said yesterday that the North of Ireland must stay within the customs union if a hard border is to...

4% drop in child mental health service staff in West is “a disgrace”

A Galway City councillor has said that it is “a disgrace” that child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the west of Ireland have...

POLL: What will you vote in the Eighth Amendment referendum?

With the Taoiseach, Minister of Health, Fianna Fáil leader, Sinn Féin, Labour and the left-wing parties all supporting the repeal of the Eighth Amendment,...

EU must ban antibiotics as growth promoters in trade agreements – MEP

The Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands North-West constituency has presented his draft Report to the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on reducing the...

Government has ‘utterly failed to defend beef farmers’

A Galway East TD has criticised the Taoiseach for 'utterly failing to defend beef farmers', saying that he broke a promise made at a...

MEP calls for more transparency across European Union

Midlands North-West MEP Matt Carthy has called on MEPs and national parliamentarians from across the EU to work together to pressure the Commission and...

Project Ireland 2040 for Galway- visionary or a load of waffle?

"Galway has been Ireland’s most rapidly developing urban area for half a century and is a key driver for the west of Ireland," reads...

Dáil hears statements on third report into Mother and Baby Homes Commission

STATEMENTS were made in the Dáil this week on the the third interim report by the Mother and Baby Homes commission, where TDs criticised...

Midlands North-West MEP says United Ireland will benefit everyone

Matt Carthy, MEP for the Midlands North-West constituency which includes Galway, says that the end of partition would benefit everyone on the island of...

33% decrease in Galway Community Gardaí is criticised

There has been a 33% decrease in Galway's community gardaí, according to Councillor Mairéad Farrell. Cllr Farrell, who will be Sinn Féin's Galway West candidate...

East Galway village will get New York speed broadband – TD

Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten says that New Inn, a village in East Galway, will have broadband speeds as fast...

Obsession with privatization at heart of Broadband chaos – MEP

Midlands North-West MEP Matt Carthy has blamed he current chaos in the National Broadband Plan on the Government’s 'ideological obsession with privatisation'. His comments follow the...

Midlands North-West MEP calls for UN summit on financial secrecy

Midlands North-West MEP Matt Carthy has welcomed the publication last night of the Financial Secrecy Index by the Tax Justice Network - which revealed...

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