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Ciaran Cannon - search results

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Galway TD sends message of solidarity to Irish citizens abroad

Minister Ciaran Cannon has sent out a message of solidarity to Irish citizens and communities across the world and says every action is being...

Work underway to ensure sale of livestock for local farmers

The Minister for Agriculture has confirmed that avenues are being explored to ensure the sale of livestock for the county's farmers. A number pilot initiatives...

170 citizens to return from Australia after successful departure today

A plane carrying 170 Irish citizens has taken off from Perth, Australia this afternoon and should arrive in Ireland tomorrow after stopping off in...

Thousands of young Irish people ‘stranded’ in Australia

Thousands of young Irish people are stranded in Australia because of the coronavirus pandemic and are ‘begging’ for their government’s help right now. That's according...

Helpline set up for people with relatives abroad as people are urged to return home

A dedicated helpline has been set up for people who have relatives abroad, as people on holiday are urged to return to Ireland. The Department...

Coronavirus: Vouchers up to €10,000 available for Galway businesses

Galway businesses affected by the coronavirus crisis can take advantage of supports available, including vouchers from €2,500 up to €10,000 (with 50:50 match funding). The...

People urged to keep Eircode at hand to save crucial time in emergencies

People in Galway who haven't been using their Eircode have been urged to write it near the phone or memorise it. Galway East TD Ciaran...

Coronavirus: Absolutely no need to panic buy as supply is not under threat

There is no threat to the continuity of supply in local supermarket during this crisis, Retail Excellence Ireland has said. As a result, there is...

No evidence of community transmission of Coronavirus in Kinvara Deaprtment of Health says

The Department of Health has said there is no evidence of community transmission of the Covid-19 coronavirus in Kinvara despite multiple confirmed cases. Galway East...

Appeal lodged by developer in Gort Biogas Plant battle

The developers of a proposed Biogas plant in Gort, plans for which were defeated after massive local opposition, have appealed the decision to An...

Loughrea secondary school approved for largest ever investment

St. Brigid's College in Loughrea has been approved for the largest investment in the history of the secondary school. The GRETB secondary school at Mt...

Galway East: All seats filled with no change in lineup

The counting has concluded in Galway East on the eight count with no change in the lineup of TDs from 2016. Ciarann Cannon (FG) and...

Galway East: Sean Canney surges to re-election

Sitting Galway East TD Sean Canney has become the first candidate elected in the constituency tonight. Canney surged over the quota in Galway East of...

Galway East: Last run for the final seat as Killilea eliminated

Galway East is down to three candidates jockeying for the final seat after Donal Killilea was eliminated in the 5th count. Independent Sean Canney still...

Galway East: Labour and Social Democrats eliminated on 3rd count

The third count from Galway East is in, with no candidate elected and both Labour and the Social Democrats eliminated from the running. Seán Canney...

Galway East: No-one elected on 1st count as Canney holds the lead

The first count is in from Galway East and no candidate has been elected yet, with the two lowest performing candidates eliminated. Sean Canney looks...

Election: Canney holds comfortable lead in Galway East

The first tally is almost complete in Galway East and it looks like there's a strong possibility that little will change here. Seán Canney stormed...

General Election: counting underway across Galway

The first count of the election is well underway this morning, with votes being tallied across all three constituencies in Galway. Last night's exit polls...

Galway voters go to the polls in 2020 election

Voters have gone to the polls this morning for the bulk of the voting in the 2020 general election, with polls opening at 7am. Polls...

Major plans for Coole Park Visitor Centre to start this year

The project to update and modernise Coole Park's Visitor Centre is to commence this year, it has been confirmed. The work will ensure that the...

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