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nui galway - search results

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Potential breakthrough for medical devices treating diabetes

New research from NUI Galway has led to a breakthrough that could help with implantable insulin pumps for people with diabetes. An implantable medical device...

Using x-ray tech to treat fragile bone condition

Researchers at NUI Galway have developed a new way of using x-ray technology in the treatment of people with osteoporosis, a fragile bone condition. A...

Family raises over €11,000 for breast cancer care and research

A family in the West has raised over €11,000 for the National Breast Cancer Research Institute at NUI Galway and the Oncology Unit at...

City Council hosts Californian business delegation

Galway City Council recently played host to a delegation of Californian Industrialists and elected Assembly members, showcasing the business opportunities in the city. The visit...

Two students awarded Dr Karzan Sabah D Ahmed research bursary

NUI Galway has announced the recipients of the inaugural Dr Karzan Sabah D Ahmed Memorial Research Bursary, which was established to remember the researcher...

Deep sea coral could block COVID-19 virus

A deep sea coral discovered by NUI Galway researchers in the Atlantic Ocean contains a potential wonder chemical which that acts against the virus...

Student entrepreneurs showcase big ambitions

A medical device for stroke survivors and a monitor protecting people and animals from heavy vehicles are among the ideas to watch from NUI...

Two stunning exhibitions open on Inis Oirr this weekend

Two exhibitions with very strong connections to the three Aran Islands are set to open at Áras Éanna Ionad Ealaíne, the arts centre on...

Prof Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh named new President of Universities Ireland Council

President of NUI Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh has been announced as the new President of Universities Ireland Council. Universities Ireland was founded in 2003...

Compassion, Connection, and Adventure in ‘Finding Victoria’

Parenting small children can be challenging at the best of times. There are hundreds of books out there listing things for parents to do,...

Public meetings to take place this week in city on GH2 hydrogen hub

Two public consultation meetings will take place in Galway city this week after details of the Galway Hydrogen Hub (GH2) were announced yesterday at...

“The Mincéirs Whiden Society gives us a place where we can all be ourselves” 

When NUI Galway's Mincéirs Whiden Society won the 2022 Best 'Cultural, Academic and Social Society' at the Board of Irish College Societies (BICS) in...

Podcast details challenges of making Mirror Pavilion during COVID

Galway International Arts Festival has released a podcast on the making of the captivating Mirror Pavilion during the COVID pandemic. The Mirror Pavilion, an installation...

Remote Working survey finds 95% think it makes life easier

A Galway team's third annual survey on remote working has found that almost 95% of people believe that it makes life easier. Between late April...

95% of people say working remotely makes life easier

Researchers at NUI Galway have revealed that nearly one third of workers are willing to move to a new job to secure their remote...

Cell Explorers celebrates 10 years of science

The Galway based Cell Explorers programme is celebrating ten years of informing, inspiring and involving the public in hands-on modern biology. First created in 2012...

Personalised treatment could reduce dementia risk

Research led by NUI Galway has identified some of the key risk factors for dementia, and that more personalised treatment could reduce this. NUI Galway's...

Oranmore native wins renewable energy bursary worth €5,000

Oranmore native David Cotter has been chosen as one of the two recipients of this year's Niamh Burke Memorial Bursary. The annual bursary aims to...

AtlanTec festival to mark 8th anniversary

AtlanTec festival will mark its eighth anniversary in Galway next month, where ethical hacking and social engineering will be discussed along with the use...

Croí webinar to discuss high blood pressure

Croí will host a webinar with leading experts to discuss how to manage high blood pressure at the end of April. Expert guest speakers on...

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