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Portiuncula - search results

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COVID-19: Further decrease in Galway hospital numbers

The number of people with COVID-19 receiving care at Galway's public hospitals has decreased again in the latest HSE data. There are now 13 people...

COVID-19: Slight decrease in cases at UHG

The number of people hospitalised with COVID-19 has decreased slightly in the latest data from the HSE. There are 12 people with the disease at...

COVID-19: Little change in Galway hospital numbers

The number of COVID-19 patients in Galway's hospitals has not shifted much in recent days, despite national concerns about the high incidence rate, and...

COVID-19: Just three patients in the ICU in Galway

There are just three COVID-19 patients hospitalised in Galway who are being treated in the intensive care unit. As of Sunday evening there were two...

COVID-19: Hospital admissions decline slightly in Galway

The number of people in Galway hospitalised with COVID-19 has declined slightly, while ICU admissions for the disease remain unchanged. There were 27 confirmed cases...

COVID-19: Hospital cases remain level in Galway

There are 32 COVID patients in Galway hospitals, as figures have remained largely unchanged in the past week. As of Sunday night there were 22...

University Hospital Galway ICU at full capacity for three days running

The ICU at University Hospital Galway has been at full capacity for three days running as the ongoing wave of COVID-19, and regular winter...

No ICU beds free at University Hospital Galway

The number of COVID-19 cases at Portiuncula Hospital has declined sharply in the past few days, after reaching high levels earlier in the week. There...

COVID-19: 3,633 more cases reported today

A further 3,633 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the Republic this afternoon. As of 8am today, 634 people with the disease are...

Decrease in COVID patients hospitalised in Galway

The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 at Galway's public hospitals has decreased by four in the latest HSE data. A total of 31 confirmed...

COVID-19: 4,642 cases reported today

There have been a further 4,642 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by the Department of Health today. As of this morning there were 556 people...

39 people with COVID in Galway hospitals

There are 39 people with COVID-19 in Galway's public hospitals, the latest HSE data shows. Thirty of the patients are at University Hospital Galway and...

UHG is Ireland’s 2nd most overcrowded hospital today

University Hospital Galway is the second most overcrowded in the country today, with 47 patients on trolleys. There are 42 people admitted to the emergency...

Galway hospitals see 33% weekly increase in COVID patients

There has been almost a 33% increase in the number of people hospitalised with COVID-19 in Galway over the past week, up to 41...

Just one COVID patient in the ICU at University Hospital Galway

There is just one COVID-19 patient in the intensive are unit at University Hospital Galway in the latest HSE figures. There were 29 confirmed cases...

Saolta Hospital Group cancelling large amount of elective surgeries

Hospitals in Galway and across the Saolta Group are being forced to cancel large amounts of elective surgeries due to crowding in recent days. The...

Slight decrease in COVID patients at Galway hospitals

The number of COVID-19 patients in Galway's public hospitals has decreased slightly to 33 in the latest HSE data taken yesterday evening. Twenty-eight of the...

Connecting Ireland must listen to rural communities – Galway TD

Roscommon-Galway TD Claire Kerrane has called for the newly announced Connecting Ireland transport initiative to listen to the needs of rural communities. Connecting Ireland, led...

COVID-19: 3,726 new cases reported today

The Department of Health has reported 3,726 new cases of COVID-19 in the State today. At 8am this morning there were 493 COVID-19 patients in...

34 COVID patients in Galway hospitals

The number of people in hospital with COVID-19 in Galway has remained steady at the start of this week, with just one more patient...

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