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Galway Rural Development - search results

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Galway Civil Defence getting new emergency vehicle

Galway Civil Defence will be adding to their capacity to respond to national emergencies and extreme weather events with a new emergency vehicle. Sixteen Ford...

NUIG researchers join €5.9 million rural regeneration project

Researchers at NUI Galway are taking part in a €5.9 million EU project to support rural regeneration and find answers to the specific challenges...

Rural safety initiatives to protect “Isolated, vulnerable and older” people

Two new rural safety initiatives have been launched this week which are meant to make people living in isolated areas feel safer in their...

Two new walking trails open for nature lovers in North Galway

Nature lovers who like to go for a stroll away from the towns will get the chance to try out two new walking trails...

Galway Clean Up weekend gets underway tomorrow

The people of Galway city are being asked to come out and help get their neighbourhood clean up to eat off over the Clean...

Clean Up Weekend to get Galway city in shape for the Best Kept Towns comepetition

Galway city council are promoting a "Clean Up Weekend" this month to get the city into shape for the Best Kept Towns competition. Ireland's Best...

Community enhancement schemes in Galway awarded almost €300k

Galway has been awarded almost €300,000 under the community enhancement programme to improve facilities in disadvantaged areas. The Community Enhancement Programme is funded through the Department of...

Calls for transparency on changes to rural housing restrictions

The Minister for Housing should clearly outline any changes that he intends to make to rural housing guidelines ahead of the upcoming local elections...

Cuts to pupil teacher ratio threaten viability of rural primary schools says Ó Cuív

The pupil teacher ratios in small, rural primary schools need to be improved or else it will be difficult for communities to retain their...

€10,000 available to Galway groups for Community Weekend

Community groups across Galway can use a €10,000 pot to host the country’s first National Community Weekend in their area. The Big Hello, which is...

Range of jobs advertised in two South Galway hotels

The increasing number of jobs in South Galway's hospitality sector has been welcomed by Galway East TD Ciaran Cannon. This comes as two of the...

ALONE charity launches smart home tech for older people in Galway

The charity ALONE launched a new programme of smart home technology in Galway this week, to keep older people connected to essential services. ALONE, which...

Special health and wellbeing events to take place across Galway islands

A one-off series of free health and wellbeing events will be held on the islands in the coming weeks. Healthy Ireland, a Government-led Health initiative,...

Galway TD warns of deep cuts to CAP

Galway West TD Eamon Ó Cuív has warned that cuts to the CAP could be far higher than what is being forecast after 2020. The...

Rural regeneration projects in Galway awarded over €6 million

Rural areas across Galway county will benefit from €6.2 million in funding to spur business and innovation, look after natural parks, and reinvigorate town...

Galway still riddled with mobile blackspots

Galway has among the highest rate of mobile blackspots in the country, with 64 spots with no signal identified by the the Deaprtment of...

Rural housing development in Furbo approved

Permission has been granted for a housing development in Furbo that involves demolishing and replacing existing structures. A planning application was submitted to demolish an...

Two East Galway community groups get funding for public projects

Two community groups in East Galway have received almost €30,000 funding from the LEADER programme for projects to benefit the public. Galway East TD and...

Over €500,000 secured for outdoor recreational projects across Galway

Outdoor recreation projects across County Galway are set to receive €537,000 as part of the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme, it has been confirmed. Among...

Galway’s library users get amnesty as overdue fines abolished

If you've been keeping away from your local library out of shame about your book that's somehow a year overdue, there's never been a...

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