New funding awarded to projects in Galway will be ‘great boost’ to communities

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The confirmation of new funding for projects in Galway under the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme has been welcomed.

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, revealed that just under €131,000 will be allocated to 13 local community groups and associations for a variety of projects.

These projects are focused on the conservation and revitalisation of raised bog Special Areas of Conservation, Natural Heritage Areas and other raised bog areas.

Three of the 13 projects that will benefit as a result of the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme are located in Galway and cumulatively amount to over €52,000.

Speaking on the subject, Michael Fitzmaurice praised the funding as delivering a “great boost to communities”, with a wide array of projects being embarked upon as a result.

Deputy Fitzmaurice specifically referred to the €15,000 Glenamaddy Tidy Towns are set to receive to upgrade two walking trails around the Frass Clooncon bog.

He proclaimed that it was a “pleasure” to work with the Glenamaddy community in securing the financing.

The TD claimed that the funding will go towards a number of other jobs including “installing interpretive signs and way markers, remedial works to previous sections of the trails and to construct a bog bridge”.

In addition, it is hoped that the funding can go towards improving and extending the current parking area for anyone who wishes to avail of the facility.

Fitzmaurice concluded by describing the importance of these walking trails in providing the community with a “quiet and peaceful” space to exercise while enjoying the scenery and nature around them.

Grants Awarded- Pilot of Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme 2019- Galway

Galway Telework Co-op Ltd Received €12,500 to install outdoor information panels and indoor display columns. They will provide outdoor seating and conduct a Bird Survey and report.

Looscaun Shannonside Rural Development Received €25,000 to develop a national walking and cycling trail through Clonmoylan/Barroughter raised bog. An environment consultant will secure landowner agreements, and carry out a survey, design of track and car park, investigations and habitat surveys. Preparation of an environmental impact assessment report and prepare and lodge planning application.

Glenmaddy Tidy Towns Received €15,000 to upgrade two walking trail loops around the Frass Clooncon bog. Install interpretive signs and way markers, remedial works to previous trail section and establish a link return to the start point via a bog bridge and improve/extend the current parking area.