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Galway City Council - search results

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Charges for outdoor seating at businesses should be frozen Cheevers says

Galway City Council is being urged to suspend all charges for outdoor seating at restaurants, pubs, and cafés to support the hospitality sector. Councillor Alan...

100 new ideas suggested during Change Our Streets meeting

Removing kissing gates was one of over 100 new ideas suggested during a successful Change Our Streets meeting held online yesterday evening. More than 80...

Change Our Streets online public information meeting organised for tomorrow

A public information meeting will take place tomorrow evening to gather ideas for the ‘Change Our Streets’ movement which has garnered massive support in...

Modular housing project in Westside ready to take families out of emergency accommodation

Construction has been completed on a modular housing project in the Westside area of Galway City which aims to take homeless families out of...

Approval sought to enlarge Crown Square hotel plans

Planning permission is being sought to enlarge plans for a new hotel in Mervue to add more bedrooms and another floor to the building. Wolfe...

Cyclists on Headford Road taking their lives into their own hands

An in-depth investigation into cycling infrastructure across Ireland has found that a one kilometer stretch on the Headford Road is a dangerous blackspot for...

Social distancing prompts closure of beach parking and Lough Rusheen park

Galway City Council has added to the number of public amenities that have been closed in order to comply with social distancing guidelines. The City...

Mayor’s Awards pushed back to the end of June

The annual Galway City Mayor's Awards will not be going ahead this month due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it's hoped they will take...

Huge increase in people throwing away used plastic gloves in public

People are being reminded that plastic gloves should be disposed of safely and correctly following complaints that people have been throwing away their used...

Plans to move Salthill Post Office to local Centra approved

Galway City Council has approved plans to move the local post office in Sathill to a nearby Centra, as well as giving the go...

Pauline O’Reilly ‘honoured’ to be elected to Seanad

The Green Party's Pauline O'Reilly has said she is 'honoured' to have been elected to the Seanad and will be a strong voice for...

Irish Red Cross and Age Action launch Covid-19 Hardship Fund

The Irish Red Cross and Age Action have launched a new Covid-19 Hardship Fund to respond to the needs of older people in vulnerable...

Vacant units on the Tuam road to become new gym

Galway City Council has approved plans to convert vacant retail units on the Tuam Road into a new gym. Planning permission has been granted to...

Appeal lodged against expansion of Menlo Park Hotel

An appeal has been made to An Bord Pleanála against plans to expand and renovate the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway City. Galway City Council...

Planning permission refused for 332 apartments in Knocknacarra

An Bord Pleanála has refused permission for the development of 332 apartments in Knocknacarra, overruling their inspector's recommendation that it be approved. Glenveagh Living made...

Salthill car parks closed to reduce visitor numbers

Galway City Council has closed the two main car parks in Salthill in order to reduce the number of visitors to the Prom and...

Coronavirus: Mayor Cubbard calls for nationwide lockdown

Mayor of Galway City Mike Cubbard is calling on the government to enact a complete lockdown on Ireland during the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Cubbard made...

Social distancing signs to go up today in Salthill as amenities remain open

New signs telling people to observe social distancing will be put up on the Salthill Promenade later today. 'Please leave the Promenade and walk somewhere...

An Bord Pleanála approves Meyrick hotel expansion

Approval has been given for a significant expansion of the former Meyrick Hotel after the developer appealed an earlier decision to An Bord Pleanála. Mt...

Snow and Ice warning added to the mix for Storm Jorge

Met Eireann has added yet another element to the mix for Storm Jorge today, with a snow and ice warning issued for all of...

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