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Galway city council - search results

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Galway to commemorate 100th anniversary of the first Dáil with multiple events

Celebrations commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first Dáil will take place on Monday with events across Galway city and county. Ireland's first Dáil met...

Time for Council to face the music on Busking ‘ban’

A legal error means that the busking bylaws passed by the City Council last summer in order to restrict busking on Shop Street cannot...

Japanese ambassador visits Galway to promote cultural ties

Galway played host to the Japanese Ambassador to Ireland Mari Miyoshi this afternoon down at the Docks. Ambassador Miyoshi has been attending several events in...

City council votes for CCTV at bottle banks to tackle dumping

Galway city council has called for CCTV to be installed at bottle banks in the city to tackle illegal dumping at them. Councillors said that...

Dog slashes paw on broken glass in city carpark rife for anti-social behaviour

People have been advised to be vigilant when walking through the Crestwood Club House area due to a 'substantial amount' of broken glass in...

Council to debate revoking Freedom of the City for Suu Kyi

Galway city council will debate next month whether to rescind Aung San Suu Kyi's Freedom of Galway City. The council's procedures committee met on December...

Sickening racist graffiti appears in Galway City

Shocking racist graffiti has been sprayed on a large box in a city car park. The graffiti, which reads 'Blacks Out', appeared on the box...

City council calls for publicly funded student accommodation

Galway city council is calling for the construction of publicly funded student accommodation. At the monthly council meeting on Monday the council unanimously passed a...

Protest at city hall calls for park wardens to tackle rubbish crisis

A group of 20 demonstrated outside Galway city hall earlier today calling for the creation of dedicated park wardens for Galway city. The protest was...

Plans progress for social housing development in Galway city

Plans are moving ahead for a major social housing development in the city in the Ballybaae area. Designs have gone on display at the city...

Protest at city hall will call for park wardens in Galway

A protest is planned for City Hall on Monday urging local councillors to support a motion to create a Public Park Warden Unit. The protest...

Galway Aquarium submits plans for penguin habitat

Galway Atlantaquaria, Ireland's National Aquarium, has submitted plans for a purpose built penguin habitat. The aquarium on Seapoint Promenade in Salthill is seeking planning permission...

Brother of Charity plan new special needs school for Galway city

The Brothers of Charity have submitted plans for the construction of a new special needs school in Renmore. The proposed school is meant as a...

City street closed until the end of February

Cross Street in Galway city is closed to traffic until the end of February to facilitate major works being done by Irish Water. The €2...

Over €600,000 funding for Galway community services

Community organisations of every shape and size across Galway city and county will benefit from more than €600,000 in funding announced this week. Galway West...

Galway’s library users get amnesty as overdue fines abolished

If you've been keeping away from your local library out of shame about your book that's somehow a year overdue, there's never been a...

Galway lists no land for vacant sites levy

Galway has listed no vacant sites for an anti-hoarding levy coming into effect in January. Local authorities have been granted the power to impose a...

Hundreds of Galway homes could be lost to the ocean

Hundreds of family homes in Galway are at serious risk from coastal erosion. A report commissioned by local authorities found that Galway is the most...

Housing approval in 2018 jumps in Galway city, slumps in the county

The number of new homes granted planning permission this year has grown massively in Galway city, but plummeted in the county. CSO figures available for...

Appeal lodged against €4 million housing development in Galway city

An appeal has been lodged with An Bord Pleanála against permission for a €4 million housing development in Galway city. Galway city council granted permission...

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