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taoiseach - search results

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69-year-olds register for COVID vaccine this morning

Almost one thousand people across the country aged 69 were waiting in the online queue to register for their COVID-19 vaccine this morning, just...

Michael Fitzmaurice accuses Green Party of “childish antics” in time of crisis

Galway TD Michael Fitzmaurice has accused the Green Party of indulging in "childish antics" which threaten the stability of the government during a time...

Confirmed: Level 5 until 5th April, schools to reopen from March

An Taoiseach Michéal Martin has announced that Level 5 COVID-19 restrictions will remain in place until at least April 5, with schools set to...

Galway County Council issues apology for role in Tuam Mother and Baby Home

Galway County Council has issued an apology today for the horrific conditions and treatment endured by woman and children at the Tuam Mother and...

The Headlines & The Realities of Hospitality

As Group General Manager, I represent the interests of the Connacht Hospitality Group, a local family owned company. The Group operates 5 hospitality businesses...

Watch | Catherine Connolly slates government and Mother & Baby Homes report

Catherine Connolly TD has hit out at the government in the Dáil for their handling of the Mother and Baby Homes report - and...

Galway woman speaks about being adopted from Dublin Mother & Baby Home

A grandmother of three who lives in Moycullen has spoken about being adopted by a family in Co. Galway from a Mother and Baby...

Galway firm to create 100 new software jobs

Technology company Genesys has announced it will create 100 new software jobs at is research and development site in Galway. The company came to Galway...

Coronavirus: 1,296 COVID cases and 6 deaths today

There have been 1,296 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by the Department of Health today, along with six additional deaths associated with the disease. There...

Pubs to close on Christmas Eve as country heads for Level 5 again

There will be no free pints served in local bars on Christmas Eve this year, after An Taoiseach Micheál Martin announced that the country...

Hike in electricity PSO levy hits businesses & families when they can least afford it

Galway West TD Mairéad Farrell has said that the recent hike in the electricity PSO levy is hitting businesses and families when they can...

Galway TD calls for public release of all data behind decision to exit lockdown

Galway TD Denis Naughten is calling for all of the data behind the decision to lift Level 5 lockdown restrictions to be made publicly...

Pubs plead with government to reopen alongside restaurants

Pub owners are pleading with the government to give them an opportunity to prove they can open in a safe manner over the Christmas...

Tributes paid at passing of Patricia Carrick who received state apology over cervical cancer misdiagnosis

Tributes are being paid and sympathies expressed at news of the passing of Cervical Check campaigner Patricia Carrick or Oranmore. The 51 year old woman...

Open pubs & restaurants for Christmas, says Galway senator

Restaurants and pubs should be allowed to reopen during the Christmas period after the current restrictions are lifted in three weeks' time, Galway Senator...

4 Key Challenges For Irish Companies Post-COVID

As the uncertainty of the pandemic really set in, it seemed like people generally envisioned a return to normality as one instant event.  Suddenly shops...

No confidence motion in Tánaiste to be debated in Dáil tonight

TDs will vote on a motion of no confidence in Leo Varadkar this evening at the Convention Centre following a two-hour debate. Sinn Féin tabled...

Sinn Féin to table motion of no confidence in Leo Varadkar

Sinn Féin is to table a motion of no-confidence in Tánaiste Leo Varadkar which will be debated next Tuesday evening in the Dáil. The party...

Facebook to provide free training for SMEs in Galway this week

Facebook Ireland will be providing free training for SMEs in Galway this week through its ‘Boost with Facebook’ series. On Tuesday, 3 November, the virtual...

Varadkar denies “inaccurate and grossly defamatory” allegations

Leo Varadkar has released a statement this afternoon saying that allegations made in an article published by Village magazine are "inaccurate and grossly defamatory" The...

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