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covid-19 - search results

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Councillor calls for extension of fuel allowance to help the elderly

A City Councillor is calling on the government to extend the fuel allowance for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic to look after the...

Tuam RFC finds creative way to hold Player of the Year Awards

With the measures taken to halt the spread of COVID-19 across Europe, most events and gatherings have been cancelled or postponed. However, the lockdown hasn't...

Businesses urged to look at supports before letting staff go

Businesses in the county have been reminded of the package of supports open to them. East Galway TD Ciaran Cannon has said that employers should...

City Council establishes Coronavius response forum

Galway City Council is spearheading a new Coronavirus Response Forum to coordinate state agencies, voluntary, and community groups in this crisis. The Covid-19 coronavirus Community...

Ring Road oral hearing postponed until further notice

The oral hearing for the proposed Galway City Ring Road has been postponed until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic An Bord Pleanála...

HSE outlines cocooning guidelines for the elderly

The HSE has issued guidelines for the elderly and otherwise vulnerable people 'cocooning' to protect themselves from the Covid-19 coronavirus. The government instructed people over...

Coronavirus: List of ‘essential’ workers who can still travel

The government has published a full list of the essential service providers who are exempt from new restrictions imposed this week to fight the...

NCT tests suspended until further notice

The Minister for Transport, Tourism, and Sport Shane Ross has confirmed this weekend that NCT testing has been suspended until further notice. The NCT has...

Coronavirus: 14 deaths and 294 new cases in Republic

The number of deaths related to COVID-19 in the Republic has risen to 36 after 14 more people died in the past 24 hours. The...

Libraries get €200k for eBooks & eAudiobooks

Keeping yourself entertained and occupied is an important consideration in lockdown, making it a welcome move that €200k has been allocated for improving our...

Students must get refunds for leaving accommodation early, says SF

Amid reports of students and parents being denied refunds for leaving their accommodation early due to the COVID-19 crisis, Sinn Féin's Housing spokesperson Eoin...

Income supports being processed as quickly as possible

Payments for people waiting for income supports are being processed as fast as possible, a Galway TD has assured. East Galway TD Ciaran Cannon has...

Renovation plans submitted for Tuam theatre

Plans have been submitted to Galway County Council for renovations to The Mall Theatre in Tuam. The Mall Theatre and Cinema Company are seeking planning...

Coronavirus: Taoiseach orders two week nationwide lockdown

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced a two week nationwide lockdown from tonight in a range of new measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic announced...

Coronavirus: 27% increase in confirmed cases in Galway

The latest county breakdown of coronavirus cases shows that there were 57 people diagnosed with COVID-19 as of midnight, Wednesday. This is a 27% increase...

Credit Unions urged to give clarity on supports available

A Galway East TD has called for greater clarity from credit unions around the availability of supports being offered during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Anne...

Public transport services to scale back from next week

Public transport services by both bus and rail will be scaled back starting from next week as demand plummets amid the coronavirus pandemic. The government...

Galway Mountain Rescue warns of reduced rescue services during coronavirus crisis

Galway Mountain Rescue has urged people to avoid walking in the mountains of Galway during the coronavirus pandemic, as there will be reduced rescue...

Appeal lodged against expansion of Menlo Park Hotel

An appeal has been made to An Bord Pleanála against plans to expand and renovate the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway City. Galway City Council...

Coronavirus: Deaths double in past 24 hours, cases rise in Galway

Ten more people have died from COVID-19 coronavirus in the past 24 hours in the Republic, the worst day so far in Ireland since...

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