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HSE - search results

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Galway Hospice sees 12% increase in demand for services

2018 was a busy year for Galway Hospice as the demand for its services went up by 12% according to the newly released Impact...

New figures reveal number of people waiting for home help in Galway

The HSE and the government have come under fire after new figures show a significant increase in people waiting for home help across the...

Restructuring Health Service will transform healthcare

The restructuring of the health service announced by Minister for Health Simon Harris this week will transform the way we deliver healthcare, a Galway...

Galway’s heavy traffic prompts air pollution fears

As a city packed with cars and other vehicles every day, any measuring of the air quality in Galway is sure to find unsafe...

Ireland’s first Masters in Diabetes programme launched at NUI Galway

Ireland’s first Masters in Diabetes programme has been launched by NUI Galway’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. The Masters programme aims to prepare...

Staff at Saolta Hospitals assaulted 68 times so far this year

Staff at the Saolta Hospital Group, which includes UHG, Merlin Park, and Portiuncula hospitals, have been assaulted 68 times so far this year, more...

Calls for investigation into preventable deaths at Galway University Hospital

The number of preventable deaths at University Hospital Galway caused by 'severe' overcrowding must be investigated. That's according to Sinn Féin's General Election candidate Mairéad...

Over 500 people on trolleys at UHG in June

UHG was the third most overcrowded hospital in Ireland last month with 546 patients on trolleys. Hospital overcrowding in Galway spiked again last month, with...

Tender issued for €1.3 million Merlin Park ambulance base

Plans for a new ambulance station at Merlin Park Hospital are progressing as tenders have been issued for the construction contract. Planning permission was granted...

Three day strike action by hospital support staff deferred

The upcoming three day strike by hospital support staff has been deferred pending a full Labour Court hearing. It was originally planned that Siptu members...

Murphy accuses the government of leaving children with Down syndrome behind.

Fianna Fáil TD Eugene Murphy voiced his concern regarding the limited amount of Occupational, Speech, and Physiotherapists in Galway and Roscommon for children with...

Galway Civil Defence getting new emergency vehicle

Galway Civil Defence will be adding to their capacity to respond to national emergencies and extreme weather events with a new emergency vehicle. Sixteen Ford...

Owen Hanley wants to be a “role model” for members of the LGBT community

Last month, Owen Hanley made history by becoming the youngest person ever to be elected to Galway City Council at 23 years old. The well...

Naughten seeks Dáil suspension to reverse home care cuts

Galway TD Denis Naughten has requested that the Dáil be suspended next week to reverse a move by the HSE to cut home care...

Three year health plan for aims for a tobacco free city

A three year Health Plan for Galway city 2019 - 2021 was launched in Westside Library this week to promote physical and mental wellbeing. This...

449 elderly patients forced to wait more than 24 hours at UHG emergency department

Hundreds elderly patients had to wait more than 24 hours at the UHG Emergency Department in the first three months of this year. New figures...

Hospital overcrowding in Galway improves significantly

The level of overcrowding in Galway's hospitals improved significantly in May according to the latest figures from the INMO. According to the Irish Nurses and...

Appeal lodged against rejection of €6.6 million Lackagh housing plans

The rejection of plans for a €6.6 million housing development in Lackagh, Turloughmore has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála. Planning permission had been sought...

Ambulance personnel to hold 24-hour strike next week

Ambulance staff will hold the first of several planned 24 hour strikes next week over demands to be represented by the union of their...

Solicitor of foster care victims says it’s “not an isolated incident”

Ronan Hynes, the solicitor for two of the three victims of sexual abuse in foster care in Dunmore has said that this was "not...

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