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G Hotel - search results

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Plans for new restaurant and apartments in Knocknacarra approved

An Bord Pleanála has upheld approval for a mixed-used development in Knocknacarra consisting a building with six apartments, and bar & restaurant, and two...

Stay & Shop local with the Connacht Hospitality Group

Shopping local, staying local, and supporting local businesses is a mantra that people are taking to heart this holiday season, with local retail and...

Local business leaders to sleep rough for COPE Galway

Twenty-nine people from the local business community will sleep on Shop Street over 12 hours tomorrow in COPE Galway’s ninth annual Business Leaders Sleep...

Galway gives back: Over €125,000 raised for Galway Simon in virtual sleep out

The first ever virtual Sleep Out for the Galway Simon Community proved to be a massive success this year, raising over €125,000 for the...

High speed Halloween chase ends in prison for drunk driver

A high speed chase leading out of Galway City on Halloween ended with a drunk driver ditching the car he had taken, and trying...

Country farmhouse is a dream restoration project

When picking a family home to settle down in long term, some of the most sought after features in a house are lots of...

Shops, gyms and restaurants to reopen next week

Retail outlets, hairdressers, museums, libraries and gyms will reopen on Tuesday after the Cabinet approved a plan to exit Level 5 restrictions today. Restaurants and...

Rare chance to own a house in a popular city neighbourhood

This spacious house in Taylor’s Hill, Galway is an unmissable opportunity to snatch up a property in one of the most attractive and sought...

Galway girl ‘Cloud’ crowned Puppy of the Year

Cloud, a Greengrass Lurcher from Galway, is officially the best girl in Ireland after being crowned Puppy of the Year. The 4 month old Lurcher...

GMIT offering 600 free or subsidised course places

GMIT is offering 600 free and subsidised places on 30 new modular skills courses to people whose livelihoods have been impacted by Covid-19. The courses,...

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Signage

Digital signage may not be a term that everybody is familiar with, but it is almost certain that everyone has encountered digital signage at...

GMIT holding online graduation for over 1,800 students

More than 1,800 students at GMIT will be conferred with their awards online in a series of virtual graduation ceremonies this month. GMIT's annual conferring...

Demolition of the Corrib Great Southern starting in December

After many years as one of the most unwelcome eyesores in Galway City, demolition orders have finally been issued for the former Corrib Great...

Brutal assault on two men left them with life changing injuries

Two men were both left with life altering injuries after being the victims of an assault by the same person within minutes of one...

TG4 documentary retraces Charles de Gaulle’s trip to Ireland in 1969

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s death, a new TG4 documentary explores the remarkable circumstances of his visit to Ireland for...

Galway-based skincare business finds lifeline online

As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on sales margins for businesses across Ireland, a Galway-based skincare business has found a lifeline in e-commerce. Rí na...

Judge unhappy with “pointless” community service for recidivist burglar

A Galway judge unhappily confirmed an order for a man with a criminal history as long as his arm to perform community service for...

Galway voted Number 1 friendliest city in Europe

Galway has been chosen as the number one friendliest city in Europe by readers of Condé Nast Traveller in the Readers' Choice Awards 2020. The...

Plans for new urban district in Galway City

Plans have been submitted to the city council for the construction of a new urban quarter at the north eastern end of Galway City,...

GMIT Academic Writing Centre moves fully online

The GMIT Academic Writing Centre has moved fully online for all campuses to ensure students can still get assistance with their writing while remote...

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