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Covid-19 - search results

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National hosepipe ban imposed from tomorrow

In order to conserve water supplies during a time of high domestic usage and a run of good weather, Irish Water is imposing a...

4% decrease in number of people in Emergency Accommodation in the West

There has been a 4% decrease in the number of people in Emergency Accommodation in the West in April 2020, compared the same time...

Bank of Ireland to reopen closed branches on June 29

Bank of Ireland will be reopening the majority of the branches it closed for the COVID-19 crisis on June 29, when Phase 3 of...

Hairdressers publish guidelines seeking earlier reopening

The Irish Hairdressers Federation has today published a set of safety guidelines which it hopes will allow its members to reopen earlier than planned. Under...

Coronavirus: 1 death, and still no new Galway cases

There has been one further death of a person with Covid-19 reported today, and Galway has now gone five days with no new confirmed...

Real Estate Alliance opens new Galway office

While many businesses are cutting back during the Covid-19 crisis, the Real Estate Alliance property brokers are opening a new Galway office as part...

Look for ‘hidden gems’ in Galway rather than packing Salthill – Naughten

As Covid-19 restrictions are eased, and people start travelling again, they should look for the more "hidden gems" in Galway rather than gathering in...

Galway NCT centre reopening Monday

NCT services are due to get underway again from Monday when Ireland enters Phase Two of the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions. The NCT Centre in...

Coronavirus: four days with no new Galway cases

Galway has now gone four days in a row with no new confirmed coronavirus cases, with the city and county total remaining at 481...

County’s local development companies announce new plans

Galway's three local development companies have announced plans for the gradual lifting of restrictions in the new phase in the county’s Covid-19 Community Response. Throughout...

Athenry town centre regeneration project goes to tender

Plans for a Public Realm Enhancement Project to regenerate Market Square and the surrounding streets in Athenry have advanced, with tenders sought for a...

Coronavirus: No increase in Galway cases for three days

Seven more people have died after being diagnosed with COVID-19 in the Republic, taking the total number of COVID-related deaths to 1,670. The NPHET said...

New online graveyard resources launched

New online resources have been developed for individuals and communities to record the memorials and heritage of their local graveyards. Galway County Council, in partnership...

Galway Cardiology trials new sensor to help patients with heart failure avoid hospital

The cardiology team at Galway University Hospitals has carried out a first-in-man clinical trial for a sensor that will hopefully allow patients with heart...

Coronavirus: Five further deaths, no new Galway cases

Another five people with Covid-19 have died the Department of Health has been informed today, bringing the death toll in the coronavirus pandemic to...

Saturday’s Black Lives Matter Protest fully cancelled

This weekend's planned anti-racism protest in Galway City has been fully called off after local activists decided to call off the event today. Yesterday, Galway...

Galway Hospice launches Sunflower Appeal

Galway Hospice has launched a special Sunflower Appeal for donations amid the Covid-19 crisis which has resulted in the cancellation of many fundraising events...

GMIT to receive €180,000 for equipment to carry out research projects

Funding of over €180,000 has been allocated to GMIT for equipment to carry out vital Research & Development projects. GMIT was one of 37 successful...

Builín Blasta’s beloved sauces come to supermarket shelves around Galway

Cafés and restaurants are having to find new ways to connect with their customers in the Covid-19 crisis, and Builín Blasta Café & Bakery...

Traffic in Galway city up almost 50% in May

Traffic on one of the busiest routes in Galway City went up nearly 50 percent in May according to the data from Transport Infrastructure...

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