PubhD - learn about PhD research over pints!
Monday, March 12 @ 7pm
Massimo Bar, William Street West
Free entry
This is the first PubhD event taking place...
Blas Na Gaillimhe – (A Taste of Galway) food network & festival that celebrates Galway's unique year-round hospitality is kickstarting a month of deliciousness...
The Social Democrats' European Candidate for the Midlands-North-West region, Rory Hearne, will host the first public meeting of his campaign in Galway City next...
Publicans in Galway have expressed their disappointment with the government's decision not to allow wet pubs to reopen, and warned that the future of...
Dong their part for the environment, Galway's Westend have launched a corn starch plant based reusable water bottle to cut down on plastic waste.
Galway's Westend will inaugurate a new partnership with local drama group the Blue Teapot Theatre Company when it lights up this Christmas.
From Bridge Mills...