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road safety authority - search results

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Galway city allocated €4.8 million for roads maintenance

Galway City Council has been allocated just over €4.8 million for roads maintenance and improvements in 2020. Transport Infrastructure Ireland has said that €450 million...

Memorial service for those killed in road traffic incidents

The Road Safety Authority is holding a memorial service for those killed in road traffic incidents in Galway this weekend. As part of  ‘World Remembrance...

Road deaths go up in 2019 as five killed in Galway

The Road Safety Authority is concerned about an increase in road deaths this year, with five people killed in Galway alone. According to the RSA...

Farmers urged to think safety first and share roads

Farmers are being urged to take extra care as the number of tractors, trailers and other farm machinery using the roads increases. The appeal comes...

Ballygar N.S students are keeping the roads safe as the best Junior School Wardens in Galway

The students of Ballygar National School are keeping pedestrians safe on the roads as the winners of Galway's Junior School Wardens competition. This year celebrates...

Oranmore school pupils learn to ‘Keep Safe’ at health and safety roadshow

Over 100 children from three schools in Oranmore learned to Keep Safe this week in an event on health and safety at home, on...

Planning authority upholds rejection of Athenry solar farm

Plans for a 20Mw solar farm and battery storage facility near Athenry have been refused by An Bord Pleanála. Galway county council had previously rejected...

22 extra gardaí patrolling Galway’s roads this Christmas

There'll be an extra presence on the roads in Galway over Christmas as 22 additional Gardaí have been detailed to Galway for roads policing. Operation...

Memorial service to commemorate tragic deaths on Galway roads

People across Galway who have lost a loved to a tragedy on our roads are invited to come together for a memorial service with...

Galway County Council urges motorists to stay safe on European Day without a Road Death

Next Wednesday, September 19 is the 3rd annual European Day without a Road Death and Galway County Council is asking motorists to do their...

Galway county has the second highest amount of roads in Ireland

Galway county alone accounts for 6.8% of Ireland's road network with 6,706km of roads, the second largest amount of any local authority. The only one...

RSA calls Galway TDs “disgraceful” for opposing Road Traffic Bill

Galway TDs Sean Canney and Michael Fitzmaurice have been described as "disgraceful and self-serving" by the Road Safety Authority for their opposition to the...

Road traffic victims to be remembered tomorrow at commemoration

A special commemoration to remember road traffic victims will take place in the Clayton Hotel, Galway at 2pm on Sunday the 19th of November. According...

Gardaí appeal to road users ahead of Bank Holiday Weekend

Road-users are being urged to 'be safe and be seen' as the clocks go back this weekend. The Road Safety Authortiy & An Garda Síochána...

Free Fun for young and old alike exploring the world of engineering

University of Galway is hosting a free family day for budding engineers this weekend with fun presentations and a chance to get their hands...

Overcast skies forecast for Bank Holiday Weekend weather

After a sunny end to the day on Friday, the Bank Holiday weekend weather in Galway is forecast to be overcast, but mostly dry. This...

Hiring spree of RSA driving testers to tackle backlog

The government has given the go ahead for the hiring of 75 new driving testers in order to tackle the massive backlog of driving...

Motorists warned of hazardous conditions as weather warning remains in place

Motorists are being advised to use caution as Galway remains under a weather warning for snow and ice this morning. There was widespread snowfall while...

Over 600 drivers caught speeding in national Slow Down Day

More than 600 people were caught speeding during the 24hr Slow Down Day national traffic operation. In the day ending at 7am on Wednesday morning,...

Council votes to include 30km/h speed limits for schools in review

Community advocates for safer streets are pleased that a majority of Galway city councillors voted to include 30 km/h speed limits outside city schools...

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