NUI Galway remains a top 250 Global University

galway daily top university rankings

The good news keeps on coming for NUI Galway

The university has retained its position as a top 250 Global University in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2017-18, remaining within the 201-250 range.

The college also impoved its scores in four of the five main pillars categorised – international outlook, research, citation impact and industry income.

This comes the day after Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh was named as NUI Galway President Jim Browne’s successor.

Dr Jim Browne explained that remaining a top 250 university is “ultimately important for our students”.

“Rankings can’t measure culture or what makes a University a great place to learn, but the fact that we have risen from the Top 500 in 2007 to the Top 250 now is testament to the vision and hard work of our staff and students,” he said.

“We have been fortunate that a combination of philanthropic and exchequer funding has enabled us to transform our campus in recent years, and we’re now starting the see how this is enabling great strides to be made in our teaching and research.

“Ultimately this is important for our students. In an international jobs market, rankings matter. Our students will be the future leaders and innovators and when we look at economic development, we need to make sure we have the supports in place to help our students to dream big and reach their potential,” Dr Browne added.

The Times Higher league table of the world’s top universities is based on 13 separate performance indicators covering all of the core missions of a world class university; teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

The survey also includes one of the world’s largest academic reputation survey, with more than 10,000 academics asked to rate the world’s best universities for the 2017/18 ranking.