COVID-19: 3,975 PCR-confirmed cases reported

Galway Daily news 25 percent drop in COVID cases in Galway hospitals

There have been a further 8,453 total cases of COVID-19 reported by health officials today.

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has notified an additional 3,975 PCR-confirmed cases today.

In addition, a further 4,478 positive antigen tests registered through the HSE portal have been reported.

As of this morning there are 643 people in Ireland hospitalised with COVID-19, of whom 86 are in the ICU.

Over the weekend there were 6,260 PCR-confirmed and 4,717 Antigen test cases reported on Saturday.

Sunday saw 4,933 PCR-confirmed cases and 3,803 positive Antigen tests reported.

The COVID-19 data hub provides detailed information about the disease in the community, including the rollout of the booster campaign.