Kinvara roadworks to cause delays for two weeks

Galway Daily news Traffic disruption expected from Galway City centre roadworks

Roadworks on the N67 from Kinvara village will cause delays for motorists starting from Tuesday.

Its estimated that the roadworks will take two weeks to complete according to Galway county council.

The road improvement works are taking place on a 1km stretch of the N67 between the L4508 Gort Road junction and the R347b Ardrahan junction.

Work that has to be done includes removing part of the existing road surface and laying down fresh overlay and wearing course.

Road markings and reflective studs will also have to be reapplied along with covers for underground utilities and service providers.

This is Phase 2 of the N67 Kinvara Village Roadworks scheme being undertaken by the county council.

Phase 1 took place in January and consisted of similar works between the Gort Road junction and the GAA Field Cross.

Galway county council awarded the contract for these roadworks to the Lagan Asphalt Group.

A traffic management plan will be in place along the N67 while work is taking place with a combination of flag men and stop-and-go signs.

Motorists should keep in mind that journeys on the N67 in the Kinvara area could be delayed.