More time granted to complete €24 million Gort housing estate

Galway Daily news Planning approval for Oranhill residential development

More time has been granted to complete a housing project in Gort worth approximately €24 million.

Reddington Construction Limited was granted planning permission for a 138 unit housing estate at Ballyhugh, Gort in May 2009.

The project consists of 5 single storey detached houses; 8 two storey detached houses; 90 two storey semi-detached houses; 39 two and three storey terraced houses.

While a three storey block will deliver 6 two-bed apartments, a creche, and two retail units.

Other associated site development works include the creation parking, access roadways, a riverside walkway, playground and amenity areas.

A water supply bore hole will be dug on site to provide water to the estate, and an 80m cubed water storage tank will help ensure there is a constant supply.

This is the second EOD which Reddington has received for this project after planning permission was first extended in 2014.

So for work that has been done on the project includes 27 houses at various stages of construction as well as groundworks and civil works.

An Hydrology Assessment of the Flood Risk Assessment made as part of the original planning application was submitted with the EOD request in light of flooding events in the area in 2009 and 2015/16.

Hydro-S Engineering said that satellite maps of flooding in 2009 and 2015/16 show that this site was not affected.

As part of the original awarding of planning permission the county council said that a public footpath and lighting along the Tubber Road must be provided before any housing is occupied.

Galway County Council granted the extension of duration unconditionally.