Local groups awarded €10,000 for National Community Weekend events

Galway Daily news Dozens of Galway City community groups awarded €272,708 in grant funding

Local sports groups, residents associations, and others have been awarded grants totaling €10,000 to put on events for the first ever Big Hello!, the National Community Weekend.

In total 18 projects received funding from the Galway City Local Community Development Committee for the Big Hello! which is taking place on the May Bank Holiday weekend.

“The Big Hello! is a chance for people to foster a sense of helping each other by coming together, not just on that day, but all year round,” a statement from the LCDC said.

“It’s the chance for everyone to get know all members of their community, to reconnect with neighbours and have a celebration together that is open, inclusive and local.”

The projects which were chosen for this weekend “celebrate the great spirit of community that exists across the city” and “help people who share communities to come together” according to the LCDC.

The full list of groups which received funding for this event is:

  • Galway Community Circus – €588
  • Moyola Park Residents Group – €150
  • Merlin Residents Association – €800
  • Gleann Na Rí Residents Association – €380
  • Merlin Woods Sports Club – €500
  • Coogan Park Residents Association – €600
  • Galway African Diaspora – €500
  • Westside Community Garden Group – €490
  • The Melting Pot Luck – €780
  • Galway Centre for Independent Living – €749
  • Sudanese Community Galway – €500
  • Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre – €523
  • Galway City East Community Games – €300
  • Pernet CLG – €500
  • Corrach Bui Residence – €200
  • Shantalla Residents Association – €970
  • Third Space Galway – €200
  • Cammillaun Park Neighbourhood Association – €300

A grant of €970 was also approved to support the Street Feast initiative, which has moved their national day to coincide with the May weekend events according to the city council.

This initiative is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by Galway City LCDC.

Full details on the events planned by each of the groups for the May Ban Holiday weekend can be found on the city council’s facebook page.