An Bord Pleanála approves enlargement of Loughrea housing plans


An Bord Pleanála has given the go ahead for plans to enlarge a previously approved housing estate on the outskirts of Loughrea.

Bilberrylane Ltd appealed to the board for planning permission to build 32 houses and apartments on a site at Caheronaun, Loughrea.

The housing will consist of a mix of detached and terraced houses, along with apartments and duplex units, on a 0.9ha site off the Caheronaun Park Road.

This is an expansion of the 23 residential dwellings approved by the county council for the site in 2019.

The new plans are for a higher density of one, two, and three bed units, in place of the smaller number of three and four bed units previously approved.

The county council had denied permission for the expansion of the estate plans, citing deficiencies in the pedestrian connectivity, and concerns about the proposed layout of the development.

In the appeal against this decision, Bilberrylane Ltd said that the new proposal has more enhanced pedestrian connectivity with the Caheronaun Park Road compared with the approved development, and has better pedestrian safety measures.

The appeal also argued the the design and layout of the estate is an improvement on the original design, with living spaces in excess of the relevant standards, and no concerns about privacy or overlooking.

An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for the new plans with eighteen conditions attached.