Home school lessons to start on RTÉ 2 tomorrow morning

rte galway daily home school hub

The schools might be closed, but that doesn’t mean learning has to stop – as daily lessons for primary school children will begin on RTÉ tomorrow morning.

RTÉ and Macalla Teo, with support from Mary Immaculate College, collaborated to create the Home School Hub and it will allow children to watch, download and engage with curriculum-based content and various activities to keep them entertained and learning.

The programmes will start tomorrow morning, Monday 30 March, and continue everyday from 11:00 to 12:00 on RTÉ Home School Hub on RTÉ2.

They will be presented by bilingual primary school teachers and consist of three short class segments aimed at 1st and 2nd class, 3rd and 4th class and 5th and 6th class.

Galway East TD Ciaran Cannon is encouraging parents in the county to avail of the service and also welcomed the additional funding announced for online books.

“I`m delighted that my colleague Minister Ring has just announced €200,000 to support the additional provision of ebooks and eAudiobooks in online public library resources.

“The availability of services like this will help parents who are overseeing schooling at home in helping encourage their children to read more and it is also great to see that a new resource is being launched by RTÉ which will provide primary school children with daily lessons in their own homes”.

“I commend this initiative and I encourage parents in Galway to avail of it while homes double as classrooms for the coming weeks,” said Minister Cannon.