The Gardaí are seeking new recruits – but there’s not long left to apply

Galway daily news Galway had Ireland's third highest number of road deaths in 2021

The Gardaí are looking for new recruits, but there’s not long left to apply.

The original deadline in An Garda Síochána’s latest recruitment campaign was earlier today, but that deadline has been extended.

The 3pm deadline today has been changed to midday tomorrow (Friday 8 June) because of ‘technical difficulties’.

A Garda statement said: “An Garda Síochána serves all of the community and would encourage everyone, and in particular, women, and those from diverse groups, to consider a career in policing. We recognise the importance of recruiting people from a wide cross section of the community so that we are representative of the increasingly diverse society we serve.”

So if you were thinking of joining the guards, go to for information about the campaign and to apply online.