Galway to get €320k for streetscape enhancements in towns and villages

Galway Daily news Galway to get €320k for streetscape enhancements in towns and villages

Galway has been awarded €320k in funding for businesses and towns to carry out works to enhance the quality of the local streetscape.

Galway is one of nine counties with the most towns and villages, placing it in the top bracket of funding in the €7 million package announced on Wednesday.

The Streetscape Enhancement Initiative provides grant funding for improvements to building facades, artwork, lighting, greenery, and more.

Businesses and property owners are encouraged to work together to spruce up their street, and can submit joint applications for a project, as well as to work with their local authority

Senator Aisling Dolan was extremely enthusiastic about the programme, saying that in her own town of Ballinasloe there has “such excitement” to see new colour and life brought to shopfronts since last year’s scheme.

People in the area are absolutely delighted to see our town looking at it’s best and it brings such a sense of pride. The Town Team along with BACD and design experts worked closely with businesses in the area to agree colours and themes for streets.” 

Ballinasloe was awarded €200,000 for streetscape enhancement works last year, in a pilot for the project which has now rolled out nationwide as part of the government’s ‘Our Rural Future’ strategy.

The Streetscape Enhancement Measure will be administered by Local Authorities who will be requested to nominate at least two towns per county, which will be announced in the coming weeks.

Making the streets of our towns attractive for visitors and locals alike has become more important than ever in the past year, and this summer, as outdoor activities and dining have taken root.

“Outdoor dining is here to stay, and I believe that will only be a positive for towns and villages across the country,” said Minister Heather Humphreys.

“Through this fund, we want to make sure that people are looking out at vibrant, colourful and welcoming streets in our rural towns.”

The types of projects that could be supported include:

  • strategic collaboration between property owners to paint buildings or shopfronts in vibrant colours
  • commissioning of murals in towns and villages
  • upgrade or restoration of historic / traditional shopfronts
  • provision of street planting, shrubbery, trees and flowers boxes
  • illumination and lighting of architectural features
  • installation of canopies and street furniture
  • decluttering of streetscapes with removal of unnecessary signs / wires

The level of funding for projects can range from 70% of the cost, for individual premises, 80% in joint applications of three or more adjacent premises, or 100% where painting is done directly by the applicant.