Gaeltacht schools launch online learning pilot project

Galway Daily news

A new e-hub pilot project has been launched at Gaeltacht schools this week to improve access to Irish language education.

This new digital teaching project will connect post-primary gaeltacht schools around the country to allow students greater access to subjects taught through Irish.

This pilot scheme will see students supplement their existing curriculum with online courses when those subjects are not available through Irish in their own school.

Planning for this three year pilot project began last September Coláiste na Coiribe in Galway and Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne in Kerry.

Fifty Transition Year students participated in a five-week Physics Module through the medium of Irish where they gained first-hand experience of virtual learning.

Consultancy firm H2 Learning has been hired to assist the Gaeltacht Education Unit in the Department of Education and Skills in managing and co-ordinating this digital project.

Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh launched the programme today at Gairmscoil Mhic Dhiarmada, Arranmore.

“This project demonstrates the important role which information and communications technology can play in extending the range of curriculum subjects through the medium of Irish for Gaeltacht post-primary students, including those who attend island schools.”

He added that it would “greatly enhance” the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at Gaeltacht schools.

The online course will be taught by two Physics e-Teachers who have experience with teaching physics through Irish, teaching students at four participating schools.

Minister McHugh said “I wish all those who will participate in the online Leaving Certificate Physics Pilot Project from September 2019 every success and I trust that there will be a beneficial outcome for all students involved.”