Funding of €115,000 to upgrade Volunteer Ireland’s iVol database

money volunteers iVol galway news

Funding of €115,000 has been announced for Volunteer Ireland to update the national database for volunteering, iVol.

The announcement was made today by Galway West TD and Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, Sean Kyne, who said that  the iVol database is extremely helpful in facilitating and encouraging volunteering.

iVol is a searchable volunteering database funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

It is the daily working tool used by Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Information Services nationwide to post volunteering opportunities and match people who want to volunteer with organisations seeking volunteers.

Minister Kyne says that the provision of this funding will allow Volunteer Ireland to build upon the initial upgrade work carried out in 2016 and 2017 and make the system more user-friendly.

He said: “I am very pleased to provide this funding to support this much needed upgrade of this important database.

“From meeting with representatives of various volunteer centres, including the Volunteer Centre in Galway, I know that the iVol database is greatly assisting in the work of facilitating and encouraging volunteering.

“This funding of €115,000 will result in an improved capacity for the delivery of services in Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Information Services and increased accessibility for the public, leading to more volunteers. As a result, it will have a significant positive impact on volunteering in communities across Ireland.”