COVID-19: 3,666 more cases reported today

Galway Daily news 25 percent drop in COVID cases in Galway hospitals

There have been a further 3,666 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by the Department of Health today.

As of this morning there were 638 of people hospitalised with the disease in Ireland.

Of them, 130 COVID patients have been admitted to intensive care units for treatment.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Holohan said that the level of worry right now is at the same level it was last April.

“We know what we are asking people to do to help suppress the spread of disease in our communities is very difficult. If we all make a concerted effort it can make a difference.”

“Our research tells us that people are listening to the public health advice and are reducing the number of people they are planning to meet, and are cancelling social events, to reduce their contacts.”

In the past week there have been 209,583 tests done in Ireland, returning positive results in 15.4 percent of cases.

The COVID-19 data hub provides information on the key indicators of the disease in the community, including the status of the vaccine campaign.