7 Best Freelance Writing Tips

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    How often do you hear about the benefits of freelance? The opportunity to work at any time and in a convenient place, high income, etc., looks attractive, doesn’t it? But at the same time, you can often find negative feedback about remote work: high competition on the freelance markets, dishonest customers, and predatory pricing. All this can frighten and even force them to abandon the idea of self-employment. And the fear that you can not force yourself to work and will only procrastinate, lying on the sofa, makes you wonder if the freelance is suitable for you. It’s worth remembering that a copywriter and a writer’s remote work is not just a project in a coursework writing service where you can find where to write my papers for cheap, you can write articles for blogs, posts on social media, email campaigns, content for websites, etc. Today we have prepared tips for you that will make your life easier as a freelance writer. 

    Define your niche

    First of all, you should find out which direction of copywriting you are most attracted to. Which topics of texts are close to you? It is easier for some people to write about business processes; others write texts on medical issues in simple and accessible language; others do not imagine their life without scientific research, etc.

    Try to be a little sleepy while writing

    It sounds crazy, but a slightly sleepy state helps reveal creativity. It is not necessary to get out of bed at once to sit down for the big project. You can write an article plan, thesis, headline, and then go back to the procedures that help you wake up.

    If you are an owl, try to work in the morning. If you are a lark, you can explore your writing skills at night.

    Plan of activities

    According to the British Journal of Health Psychology research, people who sign up for training in the gym a week in advance, in 91% of cases, did not refuse to visit. The decisive factor is the fact that the task is set, and we have to accomplish it.

    This principle also works with writing. Every night, take the time to make a little plan for tomorrow. Determine the project you will be working on, choose a theme, secondary tasks. You can prescribe all the tasks that you have to accomplish in a day. Then the brain will be looking for a way to optimize actions to accomplish everything planned right from the night. 

    Set a timer

    Determine the approximate amount of time that it takes to write an article, provided that you do only that — not surfing Facebook or Twitter.

    Now, each time you sit down for an article, set a timer for the right amount of time. This way, you will know that time is running out, and you need to finish. In addition, the visualization of time will show how much you spend on social networks.

    You should also set a goal for yourself to stop writing after the timer has expired. But what should you do if you have immersed in the topic and you want to continue? If you are working on a series of articles on a single topic, stopping at the timer and ending the article will allow you to leave your thoughts for the next publication.

    Cut the writing process

    You don’t have to do everything at once. Start by defining the parts of the content. If it’s a blog post, the text will consist of a headline, multiple subtitles, an introduction, the main part, and a final part.

    An online shop article is an important offer (action, benefit), a headline, subtitle, tagged list, and a Q&A block (sometimes).

    The process of writing is always the same: idea, research, presentation, writing a useless first draft, revision, editing. After that, you can count on a good result.

    All these moments can go faster if you initially think not about the whole article, which you want to get, but about each piece of it. Accomplishing short goals will help reduce writing time and keep your thoughts clear and fresh.

    Develop your writing ritual

    It was noticed two centuries ago: it is easier for a person to do some work if the same action always precedes it. You need to get into the working mood. If you start every day at a different time, interrupt for other things; writing an article will take a long time and will not bring any effect.

    Think at what time it is comfortable for you to start. For example, you will be able to work in the morning and daytime:

    1. Turn on your computer;
    2. Make some tea or coffee;
    3. Set the timer;
    4. Start writing, even if you can’t write something decent at first.

    But do not perform a ritual that is too complicated. It should not take too long.

    Do a 90% workload

    You don’t have to squeeze the last drops out of yourself trying to write as much as possible, faster. It’s not going to bring the desired result. Geniuses are born in measured work. Keep thinking about what’s written.

    Ironically, not trying to reach a 100%-result, you begin to work better.