Storm Barra: Yellow wind and rain weather warning today

Galway Daily weather Weather warning for heavy rain in Galway tonight

The worst of Storm Barra passed last night, but Galway remained under a yellow weather warning until this evening as effects linger.

A Yellow warning for wind and rain across all of Ireland will remain in place until 6pm on Wednesday evening.

Met Eireann cautions that Storm Barra will continue to bring winds of 50-65km/hr throughout the day.

Gusts will reach up to 110km/hr today, with a likelihood of stronger localised winds.

Heavy rain will also bring risks of surface flooding and, due to a combination of high waves, storm surge and high tide, coastal flooding is expected. Disruption to power and travel are likely.

Galway is dealing with many fallen trees and other debris on the roads this morning, as well as ongoing power outages across the county, and the country.

An Orange storm warning for western coastal waters is also in effect, with winds reaching storm force 10 during Wednesday.

This expires at 4pm this afternoon, after which a yellow gale warning forecasts gale force 8 to strong gale force 9 winds on Wednesday evening and early night, on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.