Ireland West Airport wins National Age Friendly Transport Award

left to right: John McCarthy, Head of Operations & Commercial Services, Ireland West Airport, Maura Murphy, Age Friendly Programme Manager, Mayo County Council, Seamus Weir, Cathaoirleach, Mayo County Council, Marie Flanagan, Chairperson, Older Peoples Council Mayo, Sr Maureen Lally, Age Friendly Ambassador Mayo, Kevin Kelly, CEO, Mayo County Council

Ireland West Airport at Knock and Shannon Airport have been crowned joint winners of the Age Friendly Transport Award.

The two airports received this recognition at the National Age Friendly Ireland Awards this week.

The awards, which were held in Dromoland Castle, recognise and reward achievement in age friendly initiatives around Ireland.

Both airports became the first airports in the world to be recognised as Age Friendly, endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), in June of this year.

The airports won best in their category for the vital difference that availability to good quality, easily accessible, user friendly and reliable transport options can make to an older person.

Managing Director of Ireland West Airport Joe Gilmore said, “We are delighted, alongside Shannon Airport to have won this prestigious national award which is due recognition for both our airports and the hard work our staff have done in creating a more age friendly environment at our respective airports.”

“I would like to express our sincere thanks to Mayo County Council, Clare County Council, Age Friendly Ireland and The Older Peoples Council Mayo for their support for this project, which contributed greatly to this award.”

“A special word of thanks to the airport staff and in particular our front line staff who all made this possible.”

“Through their continuous hard work our airport is now acknowledged as a world leader, alongside Shannon Airport, in providing a more age friendly environment”.

“Particularly for those most vulnerable in society who rely on that extra personal touch and care which can be so important to them as they journey through the airport”.

This is the second award for Ireland West Airport following a national Chambers Ireland award in 2019, in collaboration with Mayo County Council, in recognition of the airport’s work in adopting the Age Friendly Recognition Programme.