Snow and Ice warning added to the mix for Storm Jorge

Galway daily weather Two weather warnings in place for Galway this morning

Met Eireann has added yet another element to the mix for Storm Jorge today, with a snow and ice warning issued for all of Ireland today.

There are now four weather warnings for Storm Jorge which will be in place in Galway throughout the day.

The new status yellow snow and ice warning came into effect at 7am this morning, and will remain in place until 4pm this afternoon.

“Wintry showers of hail, sleet and snow spreading eastwards this morning will lead to icy conditions,” Met Eireann’s warning says.

“Later this morning a more persistent band of rain and sleet will cross the country, turning to snow for a time,” particularly in the midlands and north of the country.

“The combination of sleet/snow and strong winds will lead to low visibility and hazardous driving conditions.”

This is one of three weather warnings now in effect in Galway. A Status Yellow rainfall warning has been in place since Friday, while a Status Orange wind warning came into effect at 6am this morning.

Galway is set to the see the worst of Storm Jorge later this afternoon, with a Status Red alert issued for Galway and Clare.

From 1pm to 4pm today, Met Eireann warns that Galway can expect westerly winds with a mean speed of 85-100km/hr, and gusts reaching up to 145km/hr.

There will also be an elevated risk of coastal flooding during that time.

Galway City Council began preparing flood defences yesterday evening, deploying the inflatable dam down at the Spanish Arch.

Salthill Promenade will also likely close this afternoon during the worst of the storm, and council road crews will be on standby to deal with any flooding, fallen trees, or other issues.