RTÉ and NUI Galway collaborate on impressive new Masters Degree

rté nui galway new masters degree

NUI Galway and RTÉ will collaborate on a new Masters degree in Professional Practice in Media, with an emphasis on practice-based learning through Irish at a number of RTÉ studios.

The MA (Cleachtas Gairmiúil san Meáin) will be offered by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge at NUI Galway from September 2018. It will be available on both a full-time and a part-time basis.

This flexible and innovative programme combines online academic modules with significant periods of practice-based work experience in RTÉ in journalism, broadcasting and content creation for radio, television and online platforms.

Students will study at NUI Galway, at different Irish-language units at RTÉ’s headquarters in Donnybrook, in RTÉ regional studios in Connemara, and in other Gaeltacht areas.

RTÉ Group Head of Irish Language, Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, said: “RTÉ is very happy to collaborate with NUI Galway on this important initiative.

It is a particular aim of RTÉ to cultivate and develop the next generation of Irish-language broadcasters, and we are doing this in partnership with the University in a way that has not been seen in any third-level institution in Ireland until now.”

Dr Uinsionn Mac Dubhghaill, programme director with Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway,  said graduates of the programme would have a significant impact on the media in Ireland in the years ahead.

“With its balanced mix of the theoretical study of media and practice-based learning it follows best international practice in media education, and responds to a demand from students for postgraduate programmes that have strong links to employers and the market.

“In doing this, it aligns with the recommendations in the ‘Final Report in respect of a Strategy for the Development of Skills for the Audiovisual Industry in Ireland’, published by consultants Crowe Horwath in May 2017.”