Public rally supporting local artists facing deportation

Galway Daily news

A public rally is being held at the Spanish Arch this weekend in support of two local artists who are facing deportation after years in Direct Provision.

Theo ‘Touché’ Ndlovu and Mduduzi Creative has both been served with deportation orders after spending three years in Direct Provision.

Theo Touché Ndlovu is a well known local hip-hop and spoken word artist, and a founding member of the Atmos Collective,

This creative group promotes mental health and personal development through music and poetry workshops throughout Galway.

Atmos was recently granted funding by Galway 2020 as part of its ‘Small Towns Big Ideas’ scheme, to host community music workshops in the city and county over the next 12 months.

Mduduzi Creative Ngwenya is a founding member and chairperson of The Melting Pot Luck, a group which has organised events which bring people from all backgrounds, minority groups and cultures together through food and music.

Through his volunteer work with The Melting Pot Luck, Mduduzi has worked organisations like Galway City Partnership and Amnesty International.

Also a staple of Galway’s arts scene, he DJs regularly with Galway African Diaspora at Áras na Gael.

A rally against the deportation of both men is being hosted by Galway Anti-Racism Network this Saturday down starting from 1pm down at the Spanish Arch.

After gathering it is planned for the protesters to march towards Eyre Square, after which a number of local musicians, artists, poets will perform until 5pm.

“These are people arriving to our shores eager to role up their sleeves and contribute in a positive way to Irish society, creating new businesses and jobs,” the organisers of the rally say.