PBP announces Maisie McMaster to contest election in Galway West


People Before Profit-Solidarity have announced that Maisie McMaster has been selected as the party’s candidate for the Galway West constituency for the general election.

The government has confirmed that the next general election will take place this year, but no date has been announced just yet,

Maisie McMaster said of her selection, “I’m proud to have been selected to be the People Before Profit-Solidarity candidate for Galway West for the general election.”

“In this election, we will have the opportunity to finally end 100 years of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil rule.”

“They leave a legacy of housing crisis, hospital waiting lists and a chronic lack of additional needs resources and supports for children. It’s long past time to be rid of them.”

McMaster said that wages have lagged behind inflation in recent years, calling for the abolition of the USC and increased taxes on multi-millionaires.