Plans lodged for €12.5 million wind farm in Connemara

Galway Daily news Wind turbine blades being delivered through Galway City over the coming months

A planning application has been submitted with An Bord Pleanála for a €12.5 million wind farm at Ardderroo, Connemara.

The application is being made directly to An Bord Pleanála as a ‘Strategic Infrastructure Development’.

Ardderroo Windfarm Ltd are seeking a ten year permission for the wind farm which would have an operational life of 30 years.

The proposed wind farm would have 25 turbines with a blade height of 178.5m.

Other works that that would be involved in the development include the construction of a 112m tall permanent meteorological mast.

An electrical substation with two control buildings, six battery containers, and associated underground cabling would also be installed.

This is the third application for permission that Ardderroo Windfarm Ltd has made in the past several years.

Similar applications for a wind farm were refused by An Bord Pleanála in 2014 and 2015.

In making its decision at the time An Bord Pleanála proximity to several protected areas of conservation for birds and bats.

The chosen site was within 15km of habitats for the Cormorant, Merlin, Golden Plover, Common Gull, Teal, Grey Heron, Red Grouse and Lesser Horseshoe Bat.

The board found at the time that the information supplied by Ardderroo Windfarm Ltd was insufficient for the purposes of a proper environmental impact assessment.

An updated Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared following on from two more years of ecological monitoring.

Much of the land for the proposed site is owned by Coillte, who have consented for it to be developed as a wind farm.

Two other private landowners have also consented to an application being made as regards their land.

Currently much of the land in the townlands of Ardderroo, Letter, and Finnaun is used for commercial forestry.

Under the county development plan the area is considered eligible for wind energy projects.

This area has been a popular choice for wind farm development, with SSE’s Galway Wind Park and multiple other adjacent wind farms.