Plans for Moycullen Lidl rejected by county council

Galway Daily news Green light for new Lidl supermarket in Moycullen

Galway County Council has refused planning permission for a development in Moycullen consisting of a new Lidl supermarket, along other retail and residential units.

Lidl Ireland sought approval for a development consisting of 2,278sq ft Lidl supermarket, two free standing retail units, and five houses.

The site of the proposed development was to be on unused land between the Slí an tStruthain estate and An Fuaran in Moycullen.

A cover letter for the planning application stated that it would “consolidate the edge of town centre” at this location.

“The scheme is designed with a Lidl supermarket as the main anchor with smaller retail and the residential elements wrapping around it providing frontages onto Mountain Road and Slí an tSrutahain”

“As part of the development a new public space will be formed between the new development and the existing commercial uses on An Fuaran, this community space provides a focal point between the two developments and will enhance the existing area”.

The supermarket and larger site would be served by 112 car parking spaces and 30 bicycle spaces under the proposal, well below the 201 car spaces required for a development of this size.

There were 35 submissions made to the county council regarding this development, the majority of which were opposed to the project, from a variety of private individuals, as well as the Residents Association of the neighbouring Slí an tSruthaín estate.

Concerns were raised about a variety of issues including increased traffic congestion, road safety issues for cars and pedestrians, the impact on local businesses, and the potential effect on the character of the village.

The county council refused planning permission on the grounds that the development “does not adequately reinforce the existing urban form of the nearby village centre”, and fails to assimilate into the location.

The council also pointed out that there is a high level of retail vacancy in Moycullen, resulting in an overprovision of existing retail space. Allowing this new development would therefore “represent a significant threat the the vitality and viability of retail development” within the village itself.

Concerns were also raised about a lack of sufficient parking in the plans submitted, potential road safety hazards due to obstructed visibility at the entrances, and the likelihood of flooding on site and in the vicinity.