Planning permission extended for Headford Housing estate

Galway Daily news Planning permission extended to build 113 houses in Moycullen

More time has been granted to complete a housing estate in Headford consisting of 54 homes.

An extension of duration to planning permission was sought to complete the housing development on the Cong Road in Headford.

This is the second EOD granted by the county council since planning permission was first awarded in 2009 for an original design consisting of 110 houses and a creche.

That decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála by An Taisce in the same year.

An Bord Pleanála decided to refuse permission for the northern half of the development, but allowed planning permission to stand for 54 houses on the southern end of the site.

Work began on site on February 21 of this year. According to the developer work that has taken place so far includes securing the site’s boundary and erecting Heras fencing to the public road.

Four houses have been built up to the foundation level, and vehicular access has also been laid out for construction.

With the extension of duration granted planning permission to complete this housing estate will now last until December 31, 2021.

The developer is required to lodge €296,000 with the county council to secure the provision of public lighting, road, footpaths, sewerage and other infrastructure.