More time sought to complete €24 million Gort housing project

Galway Daily news Planning permission extended to build 113 houses in Moycullen

More time is being sought to complete a €24 million housing project in Gort.

Reddington Construction Limited is seeking an extension of duration to planning permission for 138 housing units, a creche, and two retail units on the Tubber road, Gort near the Rugby Club.

The housing in the plans for this project consists of 5 single storey detached houses; 8 two storey detached houses; 90 two storey semi-detached houses; 39 two and three storey terraced houses.

One three storey block will include 6 two-bed apartments, a creche, and two retail units.

Other associated site development works include the creation parking, access roadways, a riverside walkway, playground and amenity areas.

A water supply bore hole will be dug on site to provide water to the estate, and an 80m cubed water storage tank will help ensure there is a constant supply.

So far, according to planning documents, work has begun on 27 houses which are at various levels of completion, as well as groundworks around the site and other civil works under construction.

The current planning permission expired on May 13 and Reddington Construction is asking Galway county council for it to be extended up to the end of 2021.

The would be the second extension of duration granted for this project after an extra five years planning permission was granted in 2014.

A fresh Flooding Assessment was carried out for this application in light of the flooding that took place in 2009 and 2015 in the area.

The main flood risk to this site is from the Gort river to the east of the site. But according to Hydro-S, who carried out this assessment, satellite images from 2009 and 2015 show that this site wasn’t flooded during those two events.

Public submissions about this housing development can be made to the county council until June 19, and the council is due to decide on whether to grant an extension of planning permission by July 10.