Minister Donnelly opens new Cardiothoracic ward at UHG

Galway daily news Minister Stephen Donnelly at uhg

Minister Stephen Donnelly visited University Hospital Galway today to meet with frontline staff and get an update on recent hospital developments.

During his visit Minister Donnelly officially opened the Cardiothoracic Ward which is a 13 bed ward for patients who are undergoing cardiothoracic surgery.

The ward includes three isolation rooms, three 2-bedded wards, a 4-bedded ward, a pre-assessment room and a waiting lounge.

Ten of the beds have been in use since May and a further three beds opened earlier this month.

The cardiothoracic ward cost €4.71m to design, build and equip and includes a state-of-the-art monitoring facility with telemetry and in-room monitoring.

Minister Donnelly said that the new ward embodies the reform being delivered through Sláintecare.

“This new infrastructure will enhance the permanent capacity of our health service,” he said.

“The ward will augment University Hospital Galway’s (UHG) role as a major clinical cardiothoracic service, supporting the many other specialties in UHG and the wider Saolta group of hospitals.

“This will benefit patients in the region and ensure the delivery of safe, timely access to high-quality care.”