Longer visiting hours allowed at UHG and Merlin Park Hospital

Galway Daily news

Visiting hours have been extended at Galway University Hospitals following a review of the current restrictions.

From today, people can visit those in hospital at UHG and Merlin Park from 2pm-4pm and between 6pm-8pm each day, the Saolta Group has announced.

Children still are not allowed to visit the hospitals unless it has been agreed on in advance, on compassionate grounds, with the ward/unit manager.

“We are delighted to be in a position to extend the visiting hours for visitors,” said Ms Chris Kane, General Manager at Galway University Hospitals.

“But at the same time we need to do everything we can to keep patients, visitors and staff safe and take every precaution to help prevent the introduction or spread of COVID-19.”

The hospitals have said that no more than one visitor should be by a bedside at any one time, and that visitors should continue to wear masks and sanitise their hands.

“I would like to thank the public for their ongoing co-operation in ensuring we can have access for visitors in a safe manner to protect both patients and visitors,” Chris Kane said.

Access for visitors to patients in COVID-19 wards is limited to one family member or nominated support person per day and these visits must be pre-arranged by contacting the relevant ward or unit in advance.