Plans submitted for Loughrea apartment building

Galway Daily news Plans refused for Loughrea apartment building

Planning permission is being sought for the construction of an apartment building on a vacant site in downtown Loughrea.

Plans have been submitted to the city council by T. W. Trustees for the construction of a two storey apartment building on Barrack Street, Loughrea, with a total of six apartments.

The site of the proposed apartment building is a vacant patch of land midway down Barrack Street, next to a block of terraced houses.

“On completion the terrace will have a ‘bookend’ detached structure at either end provided by the existing protected 1930’s decorative style structure in white stucco and the proposed apartment building,” the design statement reads.

A Natura Impact Statement, and Conservation Report, were submitted with this application due to the location of the site.

A decision on this planning application is due from Galway County Council by September 20 of this year.