Approval given to build 39 houses in Oranmore

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Galway County Council has approved plans for the construction of 39 houses on the outskirts of Oranmore.

JAPET Investments has received planning permission for a housing development at Oranhill, Oranmore consisting of semi-detached and terraced houses.

The original plans were for 43 houses, but the scale of the development was reduced to provide more public open space in the estate.

The council inspector’s report said that initially 11.6% of the site had been designed as public green areas.

The estate will be served by 78 car parking spaces in on-street parking, including three disabled spaces, as well as 15 bicycle spaces.

Entrance and exit from the estate would be through a the Maree Road, with potential access to the N67 in the future.

To fulfill the legal requirement of Part V of the Planning Act, four of the houses will be provided to the council for social or affordable housing.

There were ten submissions made to the county council related to this development, with concerns from individuals and groups such as An Taisce.

These related to concerns about legal ownership of lands, traffic issues, right of way, and potential environmental concerns.

A Natura Impact Statement and Flood Risk Assessment were prepared for this planning application.

Galway County Council ultimately granted planning permission with 30 conditions attached.