Gardaí seize €12,000 in cannabis plants and herb in Oranmore

Galway Daly news Gardaí seize €12,000 in cannabis plants and herb in Oranmore

Gardaí have seized almost €12,000 worth of cannabis plants and herb following the search of a house in Oranmore last weekend.

Shortly after 6.30pm on Saturday February 27, 2021 Gardaí at Oranmore Garda Station conducted a search of a house in Oranmore village.
During the course of the search a number of suspected cannabis plants, with an estimated value of €8,000 and approximately €3,800 worth of suspected cannabis herb was seized.
The drugs seized are subject to forensic analysis.
Two men one in his late 30s and another in his late teens were arrested and detained at the North Western Regional Headquarters in Murrough.
Both were later released without charge. A file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.