Hundreds of Galwegians to brave the cold waters of Galway Bay on Christmas Morning

galway bay christmas day swim cope galway

Christmas Day is almost upon us, and once again this year, Galwegians young and old will  brave the cold Galway Bay water on Christmas Morning in aid of COPE Galway.

The charity’s Christmas Day Swim raises much-needed funds to support the organisation’s Homeless, Domestic Abuse and Senior Support Services in Galway.

Community Fundraiser for COPE Galway, Lynia O’Brien said that they are expecting up to 500 brave souls to take the plunge, watched on by thousands more at one of Galway’s most iconic locations on Christmas morning.

“We can’t wait to see everyone wearing the t-shirt and togs, making a splash and helping to make a difference,” she said.

This Christmas, COPE Galway is working with approximately 200 households experiencing homelessness, including 220 children.

It is also working with 80 women with children seeking help from COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service and providing 551 people with meals, lunch clubs and support services – offered specifically for older people.

As 2018 draws to a close, COPE Galway is working with and supporting over 830 households across all three service areas, reaching out on behalf of the Galway community and offering a better quality of life for people who seek support.

Funds from the swim will go directly towards keeping these vital services operating.

Talking ahead of the swim, Lynia O’Brien added: “We’re expecting people who return year after year, from near and far, as well as new people who have decided to play their part with friends, family or neighbours in giving back to the community in a fun and invigorating way!

“We are also very grateful to the volunteers and bucket shakers who have signed up to help out for the morning – the event wouldn’t be such a success without them!”

The COPE Galway Christmas Day Swim takes place at Blackrock, Salthill on Christmas morning from 10am to 1pm.

Register online at Registration costs €10 for an individual / €35 for a family with t shirts available for €5.