Galway landowners told to halt all controlled burning until further notice

Galway Daily news Galway landowners told to halt all controlled burning until further notice

Due to the dry conditions and warm weather we have been experiencing, Galway County Council has banned any controlled burning until further notice.

The council has stated that applications by the agricultural community to carry out controlled burning will not be approved anywhere in county Galway.

Instructing landowners to refrain from carrying out any burns, the county council warned that they will bear the cost of any callout by the fire service if this is ignored.

“Should landowners ignore this notice and proceed to carry out any burning and a 999 emergency call is received relating to a fire on their property, then the Fire Service will be mobilised to attend and extinguish the fire”.

“In addition to this all the costs associated with the attendance of the Fire Service will be invoiced to the property owner,” a council spokesperson said.

“Landowners and the wider public need to be mindful of the significant risks of fire at this time of year and also be aware of the damage to land and habitats caused by illegal burning.”

This decision was made following advice from the fire service based on the prolonged period of dry conditions and warm weather.