Galway County Council urges motorists to stay safe on European Day without a Road Death

Galway Daily news Galway County backs European Day without a Road Death

Next Wednesday, September 19 is the 3rd annual European Day without a Road Death and Galway County Council is asking motorists to do their part to avoid any more tragedy on our roads.

To highlight this day, that by just taking a few minutes to really think about the dangers that driving can pose to yourself and others, the county council is promoting its “Are You Daylighted?” campaign.

The council’s Road Safety Committee is encouraging all drivers to make themselves more noticeable to others by keeping dipped headlights on when driving during the day.

The new Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said, “2017 recorded the lowest number of road deaths in Ireland, however we may see an increase in 2018, judging by the number of recent collisions.

“We can never be complacent about road safety. That is why initiatives such as Project EDWARD are so important in keeping road safety in the minds of all road users. Concentrating 100% when using the road prevents collisions from happening.”

The Eurpoean Day without a Road Death campaign, project EDWARD for short, was launched in 2016 to help EU countries meet their targets of cutting road deaths in half by 2020.

It’s supported by all 30 countries in the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) and a growing number of road safety organisations.

Whether drivers are aware of it or not, behaviours like speeding, using your phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt, or driving a car that hasn’t been kept roadworthy put people’s lives in jeopardy.

Pedestrians and cyclists also put themselves, and drivers, in danger by not following the rules of the road or by looking for shortcuts through traffic.

This campaign is about making people more aware of how their behaviours can impact the lives of other, or cut them tragically short.

Moyagh Murdock, Chief Executive of the RSA, said: “Research conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes for the RSA this year has shown that there is great public support and good will out there to campaigns like Project Edward.

“In fact of those who were aware of last year’s European Day Without a Road Death, almost three quarters said the initiative was effective in influencing people to drive safer.”

“So raising greater awareness of Project Edward and getting more people to sign up to the online pledge this year are our main goals.”

Only this week the Road Safety Authority said that on average 70 people a day are killed on Europe’s roads.

But last year, on project EDWARD day, there were no fatalities on