Funding of €617,000 secured for Disabled Persons Grant Scheme in Galway

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Senator Sean Kyne has confirmed that funding of €617,362 has been secured for the Disabled Persons Grant Scheme in Galway.

The Galway Senator said that the Disabled Persons Grant Scheme provides funding for extensions and adaptations to existing social housing stock such as grab rails, disabled access ramps and wet rooms.

The scheme also provides extensions in cases of overcrowding.

“The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Daragh O’Brien has confirmed to me that his Department has allocated €309,033 to Galway City Council and €246,593 to Galway County Council,” said Senator Kyne.

“Further funding of €34,337 from Galway City Council and €27,399 from Galway Council brings the total investment for the Disabled Persons Grant Scheme in Galway to €617,362

“This will greatly improve the housing conditions for those living with disabilities and addresses issues of overcrowding in existing social housing stock, while Improvement Works in Lieu provide an alternative to social housing for approved social housing applicants currently in private accommodation,” added the Fine Gael Senator.