Five days left to nominate ‘Outstanding Young Person in Ireland’

galway daily news toyp jci ireland awards

There are just five days left for people to nominate young heroes in the community for the Outstanding Young Person in Ireland 2021 awards.

As the Sunday 18 April deadline approaches, Junior Chamber International Ireland is urging people to nominate young people who have contributed something special to society.

People between 18 and 40 years of age may be nominated in one of ten different categories, and the winners will be chosen by an international panel of distinguished judges.

The honourees will receive their awards at the JCI Ireland Presidents’ Day ceremony in May and they will also be nominated for the international JCI TOYP awards at a ceremony in South Africa in November 2021.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the awards last month, National President of JCI Ireland, Carol Ho said, “The TOYP programme has the potential to unearth hidden talents within our local communities, people who have worked relentlessly without expecting anything in return for the betterment of the community, its people and the whole world eventually.

“We at JCI are just playing a small role in recognising these efforts, so that these success stories may serve as an inspiration to the next generation of high performing individuals.”

The entire project team has called upon people in Ireland to nominate young people who have served their community so that their efforts can be recognised. 

For nominations, visit: to fill out a simple form and nominate an outstanding young hero within your local community.