E.coli contamination prompts boil water notice in Loughrea town

Galway Daily news Kinvara Boil Water Notice

A boil water notice has been issued for part of Loughrea town after E.coli was found in the water supply.

Irish Water says that it has come to their attention that the public water supply on Barrack street in Loughrea is contaminated with e.coli.

Following advice from the HSE, Irish water and the Galway county council are issuing a boil water notice for water customers on both sides of Barrack street.

The notice applies to residents on Barrack street between Lake road and the Green,

The area where the contaminated water was found is served by the Loughrea-Knockanima Public Water Supply.

Water should be boiled before drinking, being used in the preparation salads or any food that isn’t cooked before being eaten, making ice, or brushing you teeth.

Water used for other washing and personal hygiene does not need to be boiled, though care should be taken when washing young children to see they don’t swallow any water.

Pleased be advised that domestic water filters will not be enough to make water safe to drink.

There is no timeline yet for when the notice will be lifted, but Irish Water says it will continue to liaise with the HSE with a view towards lifting it as soon as possible.